
A Safety Message for All

It has come to our attention that numerous posts are circulating across various platforms, falsely claiming to represent Brahmal Vasudevan with offers of investment ideas and stock market tips. These posts are likely scams, and it is crucial to remain vigilant.

Please be aware that Brahmal, Creador, and the Creador Foundation do not publish investment advice, nor do they offer any training programs or study groups related to investing through any media or social media channels.

We urge the public to exercise caution and report any fraudulent posts or WhatsApp messages attempting to mislead the public for personal gain. If you encounter these scams, please report them as ”false information” to Instagram, Facebook, or any other social media platforms where they are found.

Your vigilance is key in combating these deceptive practices. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Stay safe and informed.